Learn and practice this simple grounding technique that reconnects you to earth and self, reduces hyperarousal trauma energy, balances the nervous system

Just as with any technique, it is important to observe and trust your unique responses to this exercise. Your nervous system and responses are individualized due to varying biology, histories, trauma, and internal defenses. Our uniqueness is what makes us all so special.
This is a favorite nervous system regulation tool of mine. It is a great method to slow down those rapid-firing thoughts, ease inner chaos and turmoil, support a balanced state, come back down into your body through the earth's support, and stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system (the part of autonomic nervous system that aids in rest).
Although this physical grounding tool is a way to regulate affect, anxiety, and trauma-related symptoms, it is also possible to feel discomfort and increased distress or anxiety. This is especially true if you have not been in your body for some time (e.g. due to fear of being in the body and needing to avoid it, or having to survive by disconnecting from yourself). Being present with yourself, your body, and emotions can uncover things that you might have ignored or suppressed. I encourage you to be curious with your reactions. This is one of my go-to exercises, but it does not mean it is yours! Don't worry - there are many more methods if this one is not it :)

Grounding Inhale and Exhale Breathing
Please practice this while standing or sitting upright - even better yet, standing barefoot outside in the dirt or earth!
Start by observing your breath as it naturally flows in and out
Let any thoughts come and go (as they will), and gently redirect your attention to the exercise
Begin to feel your feet connected to the ground, or your bottom connected to the surface below (e.g. chair, floor, bed). Focus on the physical points of contact with earth supporting your body. Imagine yourself rooted to earth
Visualize drawing your breath upward as you inhale, and downward as you exhale: breathing in, picture your breath traveling up from earth to your head and breathing out, picture your breath traveling down into the earth
Continue practicing inhaling upward, exhaling downward as your energy travels between your body and the earth
Feel free to inhale healing energy from earth, exhale tension or things to let go
Notice any positive or stabilizing effects after you complete the exercise
Below, please enjoy my recording of this grounding inhale/exhale breathing tool. This can bring relief to anxiety, emotional dysregulation, overwhelm, hyperarousal, intrusive flashbacks, spiraling thoughts, and other common PTSD symptoms and reactions. Again, if you feel discomfort you may stop at any point. May you have a grounding experience.
